Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Little Miss Piggie

Rylie is starting to smile so much now! Especially when she has just finished eating. She'll get really excited and start kicking and moving her arms a whole lot. Then, if you talk to her or touch her little cheek real softly with your finger, she smiles. She's trying to talk more lately too, she'll let out these random loud screams. It's pretty dang cute!

When Rylie gets really upset and is crying, she snorts like crazy...pretty much every time she breaths in she snorts! She's our little miss Piggie, and it's not because she's stuffy, because I've tried cleaning her out, she just likes to snort. I pretty much love it!

On a sad note, Rylie has baby acne really bad! It's everywhere! Even in her poor baby. It's weird, because a lot of times it doesn't look that bad, but when she gets mad or sad it shows up really good! Other times you can't see it, but you can feel it.

Anyway, life for the Cobabe's is going great right now. Wishing I didn't have to go to work and be away from my baby so much, but she sure is loved by her Nana and Grandma.

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